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More Information
Fluidata Hosting image
  • 1 Gb/s Internet Transit
  • RIPE static IP address assignment
  • Monthly Contract
  • 99.9% SLA
  • 24/7 support
  • Onsite remote hands
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply
  • Standby diesel generators
  • VESDA fire detection systems
  • No Setup Fee
  • High capacity air conditioning systems
  • CCTV monitoring with picture ID requirements
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Whether you’re developing a website, a data backup solution or launching a thin-client service from a secure environment, hosting can give you unparalleled control and dependability. It is possible to meet any need with colocation and dedicated hosting options while maximising on the excellent security, support and connectivity that hosting offers.

Fluidata can offer hosting at data centres in London, as well as a major cutting-edge disaster recovery site in Hemel Hempstead. Other datacentres in cities across the UK and Europe are also available. Our main sites are covered by dedicated 24/7 security staff, backup generators, UPS systems and VESDA smoke detection. All are served by Fluidata’s own dark fibre ring providing massive bandwidth potential and resilience.

With no setup costs and monthly contract terms customers are able to test the advantages of hosting. Coupled with an optional Fluidata private or public internet line back to their office they can also connect to the servers as if it is within their own building. With the best guarantees and service in the industry, your business can rely upon hosting with Fluidata.

What connectivity is available?
Fluidata operates a fully redundant gigabit network with core trunks operating at 10 Gb/s. We have a multi-homed transit ring, offering very fast and reliable connectivity, with pricing options from 1 Mb/s to 1 Gb/s.
What hosting packages are available?
Fluidata offers a range of dedicated servers to rent or alternatively clients can choose from 10U, 20U and 40U rack options with larger quotations available on request.